Hello World:
“Discover how you can quickly and easily overcome a complex lifestyle.” Proven results with a guarantee for a positive attitude and to restore your confidence. First, Choose to Stop Blaming Others. Second, Choose to Stop Holding Others Hostage to No Forgiveness. Third, Choose to Stop Verbal and Physical Fighting. Anger does not solve disputes. Relieve stress by mere adjustments in your attitude and workload.
Attention high school students in transition. Group coaching students. Freshman and above college students, and young adults interested in empowerment for a balance lifestyle.
Wisdom is written with students in mind because most of their lives are still ahead of them. Our mission is to specialize in transforming positive change into students. The average student will make at least four major lifestyle transitions during the life of his education. Why care, because when we interact with others we discover the need to address imbalances. My guest can help you to recognize when to hold on and when to fold on a given relationship. There are people who call themselves “over-comers” and rightly so! Stay safe and stay in the positive zone.

College students stress can interfere and postpone your ability to think rational and function properly while you are in transition. I can show you how to improve more than 85% of your current lifestyle? Your possession of the book is key to overcoming weak areas in your life. The things that matters most should be planned, prioritized, and charted. Your remaining 15% is to identify your source for information. WISDOM considers the decision making process vital. It’s what life is all about. Why care, because there’s a risk factor to make or break your foundation. Wisdom’s goals are to guide you through to your next level.

However, before I do that, let me share how I defeated the odds. I am also a student. That’s correct and I leave behind my past, seek forgiveness, learned from my mistakes and I try not to repeat negatives. It’s history! I had to learn how to interact with the good, the bad and the ugly. It was during a season of employment that I wore shoes that had holes underneath both shoes. I have always lived paycheck to paycheck. Learned how to deal with violence in the workplace. Choose to leave or remain silent when hatred is near. Learned how to be a caregiver for two of our children born with special needs. Learned how to live today as if there’s no tomorrow. Life is so precious! There was a season in my life that caused depression. My life has been restored.
It’s always a work in progress, patience and applying the application of knowledge. Ask yourself If this is the right thing to do and how do I physically fit into the puzzle? I am delighted to serve. Please be seated while I share with you the rest of the story.
There’s more to wisdom than just knowing, it’s understanding your options. WISDOM intentions are to place your feet on a solid foundation. We teach you how to uncover the benefits and learn the correct way to make decisions. We teach the student to think and rethink. There’s nothing magical about to happen!
College students stress can interfere and postpone your ability to think rational and function properly while you are in transition. I can show you how improvement can lead to advancement. We teach you that a non traditional way of teaching and learning are achievable. With maturity and exposure you will begin to view your income as revenue. You will no longer ask what is my purpose? WISDOM will guide you through to discovering purpose. It’s rewarding so come along with me to uncover what else Wisdom has to offer!
You’ll get all the tips and techniques that’ll allow you to practice with others. Anyone who desires to improve their lifestyle can do this. Happiness for me is a decision. My illustration defines happiness as, life does not have to be so complex and nothing can replace a void. It’s decision making to continue and it involves living. Those enrolled became educated students with wisdom. It's as simple as starting with a smile to build your platform. Remember you chose to smile, great decision making! This is one of those wise investments and the pay off can only get better.

Not only will it improve your life, but it causes you to think and appreciate life and the things that money cannot buy. Wisdom teaches you how to believe and prepare for the assignment. Today I have shared my lessons with you and “Hello World.” I hope that all will receive and benefit as I have through Wisdom.
Two out of three of our children were born with special needs. All 3 children at an early age gave their lives to Christ. It’s something that’s very dear to my heart, and for more than forty years I have been involve as a caregiver. I have engaged myself for five years, but not steady, in writing WISDOM.
It’s an investment that you will never regret and it cannot be classified as “out with the old and in with the new.” Facts are facts and somethings never change! I think you will agree that short term inexpensive gains can lead to long term abundance in prosperity.
Sounds great, doesn’t it?
However, don’t take my word, here’s what a client had to say about Wisdom for Intrinsic Fulfillment.
It is no wonder that she has written a book that outline step by step the procedures for living a good and “wholesome” life, that is to put it in Willa’s own words. She is not only an example for her family and friends but the communities of the world to follow.
How many people do you know personally that have sat down and thought about what you would like to see in people’s actions and reactions on a given day or in a granted situation? This booklet could be used as a prerequisite or intertwined with the curriculum of schools. Sunday schools, summer day camps, or other situations where one could reach a broad audience to instruct and in form young minds and old alike.

Our society is in a state of disrepair at this time. For whatever reason the standards up held by our parents, have taken a backseat to patterns of behavior that promote devastation of our Creator’s will. Where do we go from here to repair the damage that has been and keep us moving in an onward direction? Let us set this time, the year 2008 twenty-first century, as our beginning movement of change. Look positively at the number of persons we can have an impact on. Willa’s outline can and will change the direction of our nation one person at a time.
It is material and works like this that will take us back to a society that respect the reason for being and a great nation. Love unconditionally is free, rewarding, the will for all men and never returns void. When we learn to obey and keep these teachings we will see change in Ourselves, our Communities, our State our United States and the World.
I say Willa Boykin’s work is a timely piece of work that will help move us in a forward direction for the good of everyone. POWERFUL STUFF
Pearl Rogers Jordan
Retired Public School License Educator
You really cannot afford to past on this Investment if your dream includes a HARVEST!
Right now you have two choices.
Think about it, you can take control today or just wait because of the fear or stress factor. Fear will never lead to a brighter future! Why not eliminate both today? Your other option is to opt in to buy the book and begin to see positive change. You can become or do whatever you desire. Finally that’s what the winner’s and the dreamer’s pattern.
The choice is yours.
So order today, right now, while it’s still hot on your plate. Be prepared to ask what you will, and your will must line up with the Master’s will. It’s all yours!
Parents we need your support in helping touch students lives as never before. An investment of $20.00 has a potential to take students places you’ve never dreamed. It also has a potential to change students attitude in a positive way forever. Wisdom can be shared with the entire family. It’s a keepsake!
[email protected]
P.S. Imagine being able to spend more leisure time with family and friend and having more personal time. I’m not saying this because I want a quick sale. I really believe that we all have a call on our lives, in addition we receive empowerment to increase our wealth. Keep in mind one step at a time. College students stress can interfere and postpone your ability to think rational and function properly while you are in transition.
It’s been a pleasure!
God Bless
Epiphany-Love, LLC